Everyone thinks...a lot. Some researchers say 50,000 thoughts a day is average and that half of these thoughts are negative. That's scary. I don't know if the numbers are correct, but I do know that humans think and that these thoughts determine attitudes, including confidence. The "articles" in this topic provide concrete examples (relating to a specific theme) of normal versus ideal thinking patterns about the same thing.

A Peek Inside: HUMILITY Self-Talk


"Overheard" from the Minds of some Great Athletes:


                 'Normal' Self-Talk          can be transformed into           Fantastic Self-Talk
There's no way we can lose this game.
If we play the way we're capable of, we'll definitely win this game.
This will be a piece of cake. Doing my best is never a piece of cake.
I know what this guy is about to do -- SportsCenter highlights, here I come! Don't count my chickens before they hatch - just do my job and let greatness happen!
Why does coach think he knows it all? Why wouldn't I appreciate and honestly consider constructive criticisms from a man (with lots more experience than I have) who is trying to help me?
I'm the best player on my team. I want to be the best player in the country.
I'm satisfied.
My roots can always dig deeper.
I wish this guy would shut up and take a breath so I can make my point.  Listen to what he's saying. Maybe his point can help me.

Read more: A Peek Inside: HUMILITY Self-Talk

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Running Downhill with the Wind (Transforming Self-Talk)

Running Downhill with the Wind (Transforming Self-Talk)*

"Listen to yourself. Catch yourself. Change your thoughts, and yourself."

—Harvey Dorfman, Mental Skills Coach and Author


The goal: useful self-talk that maximizes learning, performance, and leadership. When self-coaching is not ideal, one of three strategies can be used to improve it: countering, reframing, or thought stoppage. Countering is combating a thought with logic and recognizing it as untrue. Reframing is looking at a true idea from a better point of view. Thought stoppage means simply focusing on something more useful.

Since every athlete is his own most important coach, it is important for him to recognize when he says things to himself that are not true. Countering is simply gaining this awareness; it fixes the problem.

Original thought:

Countered thought:

We need to score now.

We can still win even if we don’t score this inning.

We need to score now.

We don’t have to win this game.

I’m terrible.

I’m not terrible.

This is unbelievable.

This is reality.

I can’t.

I can.

The umpire is blind.

The umpire is not blind; he is just not very good.

Coach will hate me if I strike out.

Coach will not hate me if I strike out.

My hard work wasn’t worth anything if I don’t get a scholarship.

My hard work was worth a lot whether I get a scholarship or not.

Read more: Running Downhill with the Wind (Transforming Self-Talk)

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A Peek Inside re: Confidence


'Normal' Self-Talk              can be transformed into                Fantastic Self-Talk
 Change:                                                                                             Use instead: 
I can't believe that guy could be so bad. Nobody's perfect and life's not fair, but I still have my job to do.
I'm frustrated. This is a good challenge for me.
I stink!    I'm learning!
There's no way.  Wow, what a story this will be if we can make it happen.
This situation is horrible.  I've seen worse.
We've gotta score. This is a great opportunity to score.
This drill is boring.  I can practice the skill of focus by doing it exactly right every time.


Players Reminder: "You can either find a way or you can find an excuse, but you can't do both."
Coaches Reminder: "They don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." 
Winner's Creed: "I will give my best effort one step at a time, accept whatever happens, and do it again."
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A Peek Inside re: TRUST

"Overheard" from the Minds of some Great Athletes: 
'Normal' Self-Talk can be transformed     into                     Fantastic Self-Talk
 Change:                                                                                      Use instead:
I stink.
I've done this well many times before.
I've gotta fix my mechanics.
That was just a mistake - they happen. TRUST my muscle memory because I've prepared myself.
I'm not sure about that (strategic plan).
Go with it or change it, but I've gotta COMMIT to what I want to do right here.
Please, God, let me do well.
I trust that I will give my best effort, and I can live with whatever happens from there.
I gotta...
Trust it. Just see it and do it.
I just need a little extra right here.
I've got plenty of juice. Just let it come to me.
What if I try my hardest and don't win?
My best effort is always good enough. After all, all you can do is all you can do.
Players Reminder: "You can either find a way or you can find an excuse, but you can't do both."
Coaches Reminder: "They don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." 
Winner's Creed: "I will give my best effort one step at a time, accept whatever happens, and do it again."
LEAVE A COMMENT: Why is trusting self or teammates so difficult? Is it okay, and maybe even useful, to give trust before it is earned? 
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A Peek Inside Champions' Heads

"Overheard" from the Minds of some Great Athletes: 

Normal Self-Talk                 can be transformed into            Fantastic Self-Talk
I've got to get a hit.
I don't have to win, but it sure would be fun. I'll make the most of this opportunity.
Adversity sucks.
At least it's adversity in the game I love.
I just love winning.
I love this game.
What will my coach say?
I know I'm trying my best, so I'm going to enjoy this competition and not worry. Period. No worries.
If we don't win, it will be a catastrophe.
Winning sure beats losing, but it's just a game.
Don't get too emotional and lose track of the things I can control.
Wow, I royally messed that up!
Try to be perfect, but don't ever expect it.
Players Reminder: "You can either find a way or you can find an excuse, but you can't do both."
Coaches Reminder: "They don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." 
Winner's Creed: "I will give my best effort one step at a time, accept whatever happens, and do it again."
LEAVE A COMMENT - What is a strategy or power phrase you use to control the direction of your mind?
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