
Wouldn’t life be great if we had a coach who knew just what to say to us, and exactly when to say it? This person would know the perfect balance of how to push and support us, and they would always have perfect timing (and be nearby). Of course, there is only one potential person who can fill that role: ourself. For this reason and many others, the most important coach any athlete will ever have is oneself.

Power phrases (a.k.a. affirmations) are simple, positive, self-directed thoughts such as, “I am a smart and strong hitter.” They are reminders of past successes, personal strengths, or positive expectations that an athlete gives herself to increase her confidence or improve any aspect of her internal state or focus. This mental toughness tool can be used away from the diamond, in practice, or during games. Two-time Olympian Sean O’Neill made power phrases a standard five-minute part of his pre-performance routine. He would simply sit and remind himself of all the great things he can do and the things he has accomplished: “I have the best forehand in the world,” “If I stay focused, I will win,” “I am the national champion,” and so on, repetitively.

Power phrases may seem a bit tautological and effusive, but if they improve performance, then what’s wrong with that? They can help anyone, and are particularly valuable for the athletic personality which tends to get stuck thinking about negatives. I encourage you to think like a scientist by searching out the content and timing of power phrases that provides the maximum positive impact for you. Then, build power phrases into your pre-performance and gathering routines. Top athletes simply refuse to miss out on the potential advantages this tool offers.

Athletes who understand the way that their confidence fluctuates know that with practice, having a feeling of confidence when it is time to perform is something they can control. Experiences and familial history are factors of confidence, but pre-performance routines and your patterns of thought are more important. Power phrases can be a big part of your Optimistic Explanatory Style (your style of thinking that emphasizes useful, positive thoughts, and de-emphasizes the other kind).

What follows is a nice list of potential power phrases. The recommendation is for you to browse this list, then pick 2-5 power phrases that resonate for you. Then, make a plan about how and when to include these in your pre-performance or gathering routines. Each of the listed sentences has potential value, but they are provided here simply as a convenient resource to help you find the ones you think will work best for you. Each chosen phrase should make logical sense for you, and it may certainly come from a source other than this list. Also, it should be worded in the present tense.

I am a smart and strong player.

My best effort is always good enough.

I give my best effort and accept whatever happens.

I play the game one pitch at a time.

I am confident because I am prepared.

I am talented and excited to play today.

I trust both my teammates and my ability.

I am seeing the ball big.

I am fast and focused.

I am [insert desired trait].

I have a great curveball.

I have a great [insert skill].

I am in control before each pitch.

I am confident and decisive.

I use enthusiasm to do special things.

I am letting the game come to me.

I hold myself and others in high regard.

I can handle any adversity that comes my way.

I act based on my plan, not in reaction to things outside of my control.

I have earned each opportunity I am given.

I play the game aggressively and under control.

By my aggressive approach, I create magical moments.

I enjoy training.

I am a lean, mean machine.

I relentlessly do my job for my team.

I constantly strive for perfection.

I never expect perfection of myself or others. That would be silly.

We are raising the bar and I am holding myself accountable.

Every day and in every way, I am getting better and better.

I work hard and deserve the wealth, beauty, and love that is all around.

I am grateful that I can expand my horizons simply by doing one thing that is outside of my familiar zone today.

I trust my instincts and my teammates.

I prepare so that I can move with poise and confidence.

I thrive under pressure.

I have patience and faith that my dreams will find me if I do my best today, then repeat tomorrow.

I bounce back better than how I was when I fell down.

I avoid self-pity because I am blessed in many, many ways.

With awareness and discipline, I turn weaknesses into strengths.

I keep my head when others are losing theirs.

I am the kind of player whose teammates want up to bat with the game on the line.

I know how to focus and slow the game down.

We are a championship-type of team.

We nip problems in the bud.

When I disagree with someone, I get curious rather than upset.

I intentionally make my attitude worth catching.

My sport is fun, even when it is most challenging.

I inspire confidence in others.

When the going gets tough, I lead by example.

I consistently speak to myself and others with dignity and respect.

Because I care enough to give my best effort at practice, I both deserve and take advantage of every opportunity I get.

When pressure and great opportunities arise, I just do what I do.

I love my sport and the challenges it provides.


Please comment below with how you have used Power Phrases, or even better, what your favorite one is.

Category: Self-Talk Self-Talk
Published: 22 April 2018 22 April 2018